Paper crafts are a popular pastime right now. Scrapbooking is a fun way to display pictures and chronicle family history. Other paper crafts include making greeting cards and even making hand made papers.
When getting started at paper crafts, it is easy to spend a lot of money! Go easy at first until you know what sort of paper craft products you are likely to use. For instance, you may find that you love using stickers in scrapbooks, but rarely use your rubber stamps. If this is the case, you would be better off spending more on stickers and less on rubber stamps for your paper crafts.
Almost everyone has at least some of their photographs stored somewhere in a shoe box. Scrapbooks are a great way to get those photos out where people can enjoy them. You will need a loose leaf binder, some plastic page protectors, and some colored cardstock for starters. Many paper crafts experts insist on only archival quality materials. Check the labels as you buy. Most paper products, even the cheaper ones, are labeled "acid-free," which means that it shouldn't fade or otherwise deteriorate if stored for a long time. Sunlight will bleach almost anything, but your paper crafts should not be out in the sunlight very often.
To start a scrapbook you have several options. You can select photos that all relate to one event, such as a trip or a child's participation in sports. This type of scrapbook will be short, but can be designed around a theme. This is a good choice if your photos are not in a jumble. If they are, then you may wish to choose 3 or 4 photos around a general theme, and change the theme for each page. You may want to include some 2 page spreads in your scrapbook.
Attach your photos to the cardstock with double-sided tape squares or a gluestick. Then it's time to decorate the page with stickers, paper shapes, or rubber stamped designs. In addition, you can use a colored gel pen to write dates, names, and other highlights about the activities in the pictures.
Other items are available in paper crafts stores. These includes die cuts, which are pieces of paper already cut into shapes and objects. There are also special scissors that cut paper with an interesting edge. A pair of the type called "deckle" scissors is very useful for making elegant looking scrapbook pages, greeting cards, and other paper crafts. If you also have an old pair of pinking shears that are too dull to cut fabric, you can use those for cutting out shapes and photos.
Many paper crafts enthusiasts begin with scrapbooking, but then branch out to making their own greeting cards. Greeting cards may or may not have an original poem written on the inside. A simple "Happy Birthday," "Get Well Soon," or even just "Hi!" is enough to brighten someone's day, so don't worry about not being a good enough writer to make your own greeting cards. Rubber stamps often make beautiful greeting cards. You can even attach small ribbons, beads, and other items to hand made cards. A handmade card is sure to please anyone, whether they are interested in paper crafts or not.
Parents are quite startled when they are presented with the list of school supplies that are needed by every child in the family. Not only are there many pens, pencils and under-liners needed, but the students are responsible for bringing to school binders and paper that will fit them. Then there will be other paper on the list that everyone will need.
At the end of the shopping trip, the family might have accumulated a lot of bulk just from the binders and paper items tha...
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Parents are quite startled when they are presented with the list of school supplies that are needed by every child in the family. Not only are there many pens, pencils and under-liners needed, but the students are responsible for bringing to school binders and paper that will fit them. Then there will be other paper on the list that everyone will need.
At the end of the shopping trip, the family might have accumulated a lot of bulk just from the binders and paper items that were on the school supplies shopping list. Some parents will not even consider buying a book bag for their child until the binders and paper items are purchased. They found out from previous years that many book bags will not allow certain binders to be inserted into them.
Some school teachers have their own preference to the binders that children use for special projects. Parents might be tasked with buying see through folders in place of binders for many of the classes that their children will take. Some school boards are very rigid about the items that are placed on the school supplies shopping lists that are sent out to every parent's just weeks before school is to start.
There can be dire consequences when the school board's decisions do not match those of some parents. The school board feels very strongly when some parents do their own thing and buy just what they want their child to use throughout the school year. The child might even get a failing grade because they used the wrong binder for a project.
Parents get very intense when this happens and are not shy about letting the school, the teacher, and in some cases, they might even take their disgruntled views to the school board meetings that are held at the courthouse each month. They might prepare a speech where the binders and paper items are thoroughly discussed. The parents might point out that one binder is just as good as another and that only the price difference for each of them is the real problem.
The issue of paper size might come up a time or two in these meetings with the school board and some of them might be very good points. Some binders will allow the standard sized paper to fit in nicely, but the ones that are on the present school list allow the paper to hang past the margins and well past the dividers that are meant to separate the homework assignments and the school projects assigned by a teacher throughout the school year.
The school board is certain to take certain points under consideration until the next school board meeting. During that time lapse, they might assign someone to visually inspect the various binders and papers that are offered at the mass merchandising retailers in town. They become enlightened on the various styles and decorative binders that are available for purchase in each store that is visited, and really become aware of what dilemmas that parents face when they go to buy the binders and paper items that are on the school supplies list that they create every year.
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